New cars are major expenses for most people so it would make sense to get car insurance cover. There are various levels of car insurance cover for you to consider that suit your needs and wallet. To get the best car insurance for your new car means it will enjoy the maximum protection it deserves, which can be affordable as well.
Why consider insuring your new car before driving it from the showroom? 1
It may seem obvious, but it is in your own interest to get car insurance for your new car before you even start it. Imagine the repercussions of having an accident minutes after being on the road and facing a massive amount of debt and possibly no car. Also, you are required to have comprehensive car insurance if you are financing the purchase of your next car.
Can I use my current car insurance policy for insuring my new car?2
If you are making a clean start with a new car, why not shop around, obtain quotes and locate the best cover for your new car? It may turn out that your current insurer is not as good as the insurer from whom you have obtained an excellent quote from.
It will be safest if you contact the insurer of your choice once you have purchased your new car but before you drive it out of the showroom. You must provide all the new car details, while at the same time informing the insurer to cancel the old car insurance.
Arrange everything with your insurer
You could keep doing business with your current car insurance company or you could consider changing to another insurer. You can make every necessary arrangement with the car insurance company of your choice.
Make sure you can afford the new car insurance premium1
It is very exciting to buy your new car. Can you afford the monthly car insurance premium that a specific insurer has quoted you? Besides other factors, premiums are also based on the value of the car. Once you have decided to purchase a particular new car, obtain quotes. If you really can’t afford to pay the monthly comprehensive car insurance premium, you may have to reconsider and choose a cheaper model.
What if your new car is financed by a bank?
If your new car is financed by the bank, you will be compelled by the bank to take out comprehensive car insurance. In the event of an accident, the bank cannot afford the risk of having to recover the costs of the new car from you – which may take years.
Now you know what to do
Do your research, select the new car you want, locate the best insurance cover at the lowest premium if that’s what suits you best. You will drive out of the showroom with full peace of mind. Why not contact Prime South Africa for affordable, comprehensive car insurance, with unique features like premiums that never increase* and a reduce to zero excess*? T and Cs apply.
Car insurance is not an easy matter, and this article must only be viewed as pure information. Nevertheless, if you wish to purchase a car insurance product, you can contact a certified, financial advisor who will be able to assist you with professional advice.